8 Maggio 2024

Tele One

Tele One – Ultime Notizie, Cronaca live, rubriche sul Palermo Calcio.Per info e pubblicità 091 333660. In Sicilia sul canale 19 Digitale Terrestre.

| THE COURAGE TO SURVIVE | by Tony Colapinto


Cosimo has coped with injustice all his life. Here’s a case of medical malpractice towards a disabled man that reduced him living without his leg and spending the rest of his life in bed. He has been abandoned by the institutions and he is now alone after his wife and his son died because of cystic fibrosis at a short distance. He lives in Monreale (Palermo, Sicily) in poor and desperate conditions in one of the richest Sicilian cities. He lives with his son who suffers from heart disease, living an invisible life. Journalist: Tony Colapinto
Videomaker: Mirko Valenti
Translation: Gloria Bellomare
Subtitles: Matteo Volpe TELE ONE canale 16 in tutta la Sicilia, in diretta streaming su www.teleone.it, https://www.facebook.com/teleone.it e sull'App teleOne. All rights reserved – Questo video è protetto da copyright ed è espressamente vietato ogni utilizzo, riproduzione od uso, parziale o totale enzo click sito